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Economic Development Council in South Miami-Dade

What Barriers Do EDCs Such as the Economic Development Council of South Miami-Dade Often Face?

Even with well-planned strategies, things don’t always go accordingly. There are challenges all local governments face, and the Economic Development Council of South Miami-Dade isn’t immune. Here are some of the top barriers all EDCs may face.  Population Growth Rates Population growth can be random, and depending on the circumstances, it can be negative. It can put a strain on…

Live and Work in Florida City - Live in Florida City in Miami-Dade

What Is Economic Planning in Florida City, Miami?

Learning about the economics in your city can be pretty confusing, but knowledge is power, especially when it comes to developing your community so it can flourish. What is economic planning in Florida City, Miami? Here’s what you need to know! What Is Economic Planning in Florida City Miami? What Does It Do? If you’re wondering what economic planning is…