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Target Economic Growth in Miami

How Targeted Economic Growth in Miami Can Improve South Miami-Dade

Navigating the world of economics and how it can improve your county can be tricky, but it’s a necessity. What is targeted economic growth in Miami, and how can it benefit our area? Here’s what you need to know. What Is Targeted Economic Growth in Miami Exactly? Targeted economic growth refers to the growth that a city aims to see…

Live in Homestead

4 Facts You Need to Know About Living in the City of Homestead, Florida

Whether you already call Homestead your home or you’re new to living in this one-of-a-kind city, there’s a lot to discover about the area you live in. Here are four fun facts about living in Homestead, Florida that prove why it’s one of the best cities in South Miami-Dade! 1. Homestead Is Home to the Cybrarium The Cybrarium is a…

Remote Workers in Miami / South Miami-Dade

How Does Remote Work in Miami / South Miami-Dade Impact Economic Development?

During the pandemic, working from home became the norm for Americans. As pandemic restrictions relaxed and people had the option to return to work, we discovered what was thought to be a phase is now becoming the norm for many industries. How does remote work in Miami / South Miami-Dade impact economic development? Good or bad, it looks like remote work…

What Is the Creator Economy in South Miami Dade

What Is a Creator Economy in South Miami Dade?

It’s an interesting phrase, but what does it mean? Some believe that creator economy is the future. So, how will the creator economy in South Miami-Dade impact economic growth? What Does “Creator Economy” Mean? Have you heard of content creators? Maybe you’ve seen them on your favorite YouTube channel, Instagram, or TikTok. Those people are part of a rather large…

Infrastructure Economic Development and Growth

How Are Infrastructure and Economic Growth Related?

A strategic economic development plan is a must for economic growth, but how do factors like infrastructure come into play? Here’s a fast and easy briefing on infrastructure and economic growth, plus how the two go hand in hand! What Is Infrastructure? Infrastructure is defined as the physical structures and systems of a business, nation, or region that typically allows…